

Our Client Reviews

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Anshu Gandhi (Patient)

Thank you very much Dr. Neelu for your extended support. I am glad that I came to your clinic for my wife’s pregnancy. Thanks for all the prescriptions, medications, and the safe delivery of our child. I really appreciate the fact that how you were available for the delivery during the odd hours also. Throughout these 8 months, we never doubted that we are in wrong hands. From regular check-ups, ultrasounds, you took care of everything with ease. I thank you once again from my side as well as from my wife’s side.

Priya Jain (Patient)

It would not have been possible for me to deliver a healthy child without the support of Healing Women Clinic. When you already have faced a miscarriage before, then it becomes complicated for you to plan another baby. But the way you guided in the past few years, from the time of my miscarriage to making me believe that I can once again go for the child, I and my entire family are thankful to you. You did a lot more than what a doctor can do for her patient. I feel thank you is a very small word for the confidence you filled in me and for patiently dealing with me.

Priti Chouhan (Patient)

Whatever, I say to you Dr. Neelu, is really less in front of what you did for me. And still, you are helping my wife to recover from her pain and medical issues. I almost lost my wife that day, but you are a savior for her. We lost our child, but the effort you invested in saving my wife is priceless. I almost thought that I lost both of them, but thanks for the Treatment which you did successfully in such a complex situation. At one time, I felt that I should have taken my wife to another hospital in the city. But now, I can completely trust you and the facilities being provided by you.

Rashi Saxena (Patient)

Hope you are doing fine and wish you all the best for future. I really appreciate doctors like you, who know the right treatment for their patients. In most of the hospitals where doctors or gynae suggests going for C-section, you advised us for Normal Delivery. And this the best thing I like about your clinic, that you people are transparent and do not hide and make people panic. I never thought that my wife would have a normal delivery. I was almost scared to see her in so much pain. But today, we both feel that it was the best decision which you took for us. Thanks for everything!

Manjari Gupta (Patient)

Mam, we need more lady doctors like you. In the hospitals where people are just charging a huge amount of fees only for the treatment. It was you who advised me in every step of my pregnancy, what to eat, pregnancy-related tips, my diet chart from the 1st trimester only. I never felt that I do not have any elder at my home to give me knowledge about all this. But after my so many questions also, you cleared all my doubts patiently. And today, my husband and I are happy with our 3 months old kid. I will say Healing Women Clinic is really helpful and great for all the would-be moms.

Kiran Rawat (Patient)

Delivering a premature baby shook all my nerves. I had no hope that my little angel will survive. I remember, the day when you told me, "Get ready to take your angel to your home". I was scared at that time also, that will she be normal or not. But now as 6 months have gone, and when I see my daughter, her premature face comes in front of me. You are a blessing for me, doctor. All I know is that my daughter today is alive only because of you and God.

Swati Shrivastav (Patient)

Coming from a conservative family, I was so scared that how I will tell them that I cannot deliver a child because of complications. But when you gave me hope that after treatment, I can become pregnant, I couldn’t believe my ears. But today when I touch my womb, and I feel that in the next 4 months, I will deliver my baby. I feel so happy and blessed. I would recommend all the ladies who are facing any complication or difficulty in becoming pregnant, should once visit Healing Women Clinic. Thank you, Dr. Agarwal, for helping me.

Manshi Katarya (Patient)

We are very thankful that you were there with us on the journey of our parenthood. You made it amazing and easy going for us despite being the critical situations also. It was because of your guidance and the support of you and your well-trained staff that we were able to deliver a healthy child. Your knowledge is commendable, and it’s because of your in-depth knowledge only that today we are happy with our child. And more than that we are delighted that you are still in touch with us and guiding us through this new phase which we have entered.

Rakhi Agarwal (Patient)

I may be late in appreciating your efforts but how you saved me, and my child was beyond my imagination. When my husband and I lost all the hopes because of my illness, it was you who took all the necessary precautions and saved our little kid. We were at the stage of giving up, but I still thank my colleague, that she recommended your name to me. Else, maybe today also our family would not have been completed. I am recovering slowly and slowly, and it is also possible because of your advice and strict prescriptions.

Shreshtha Chouhan (Patient)

I am Mrs. Shreshtha, who delivered the baby girl 1 month back at your clinic. After the efforts of two and a half years, I was able to deliver a healthy baby girl. Honestly, speaking I lost hope of becoming a mother after trying for the 1st year. But thanks that I came to your clinic to give it a try with no faith left. But whatever you did for me is no less than magic, as you have completed my world. I still cannot forget the day, when after the treatment for a few months, I came for a check-up, and you told me that I am pregnant. Thanks for all your treatments and your support.

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+91 96547 36674



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